Environmental Policy - Allan Stobart

WCF Ltd - Environmental Policy Statement

Updated: November 2020                                               Date of next review: November 2021

WCF are committed to undertaking our activities in a way that balances the needs of our customers against the wider requirement to minimise our impact on the environment and local communities. As a minimum, we operate in compliance with legislation and strive to utilise relevant best practice in all our operations. We recognise that by meeting our obligations to detect and mitigate those adverse effects that our operations may be having on the environment, we can not only reduce our carbon footprint through reduced emissions, contamination, energy consumption and waste, but also provide our business with valuable commercial benefits.


The key points of our environmental strategy are:

  • Implement a rolling program of planned maintenance, inspection and remediation using suitably qualified third parties where applicable;
  • Evaluate our operations to ensure that they are as efficient as possible;
  • Use the best available technology to route our vehicles and reward our drivers for safe driving;
  • Develop, test and maintain robust emergency and spill response procedures;
  • Educate and inform our colleagues about any environmental issues which may affect their work;
  • Encourage colleagues to adopt work-related practices which have positive environmental impacts, such as cycling to work;
  • Evaluate sensible opportunities to switch to renewable sources of energy to power our buildings and fleet;
  • Evaluate opportunities to reduce our energy usage through investment in new, more energy efficient technologies;
  • Re-use and recycle where possible;
  • Conserve energy and promote efficient use of resources;
  • Eliminate single use plastic from our packaging wherever possible;
  • Avoid unnecessary use of hazardous materials; and
  • Exchange information to share methods of best practice.


As a large entity, WCF complies with the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (“ESOS”) and Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (“SECR”). We record and analyse our energy usage and take the necessary steps to implement energy savings wherever possible. Through the above we hope to demonstrate our environmentally responsible credentials and encourage our suppliers and customers to follow similar environmental best practice.


JL Ritzema                                                                   Phil Murray

Managing Director                                                       Deputy Managing Director                                                        

November 2020

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